Learn more about how choosing a trusted contact person could help you safeguard your finances Set up a power of attorney for finances

Trusted contacts don’t have access to your money – they simply get notified if the financial institution sees signs of financial exploitation. This allows your financial institution to contact the trusted person in certain circumstances, like if they believe you’re getting scammed. Some banks may also offer the option to add a “trusted contact person” to your brokerage accounts. If you don’t intend for your money to become your helper’s money upon your death, be sure to say that you don’t want a joint account where the other person has the “right of survivorship.” Add a trusted contact person to your accounts Explain that you want an account in which the money remains yours but that someone else’s name will be on the account to help you with bill paying and other transactions. Often bank employees don’t mention these options or know they exist. If you’re interested in a convenience or agency account, ask your bank However, any friend or family member you designate to help you can both deposit and withdraw money from your account, which exposes you to the risk that they might withdraw your money for their own use. Open a convenience accountĪ “convenience account” or “agency account” enables you to designate a family member or friend to help you with depositing or withdrawing money and writing checks.Ī convenience account doesn’t change the ownership of the money in the account or give your helper the right to keep the money when you die. If you get help from a money management program, though, check on whether the program has insurance or bonding so your money is protected in a worst-case scenario, including mismanagement or theft by the person assisting you. You may also be able to find a money management program along with other resources for older Americans by contacting the Eldercare Locator at or by calling 1-80. To locate a money management program in your area, try contacting your local Area Agency on Aging. If you have no friends or family members to help you with informal money management, there are organized programs that provide trained staff members or volunteers to help. Under this arrangement, you still sign your checks, and no one else is authorized to make account transactions. If you are still able to handle your banking and bill-paying but would like some help going through the bills and budgeting, a friend or family member can review your bills with you and help you figure out which ones to pay and when. Receive informal help with money management